Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Loving my major!

So I started school a week ago, and may I just say that I am loving my major! (Art and Visual Communications) School really isn't so bad now that I just get to be creative all the time!
So, for the first assignment in my photography class we had to do self-portraits. Doesn't sound that hard right? Wrong! It took me two days to get one I liked. While I was out in the backyard taking my self portraits using a bar stool as a tripod, the sprinklers came on. Of course. Anyways, here are some of those:

Okay. Nextly, in my 2D design class, we're working on Positive/Negative assignment and I'm not even going to begin to try and describe what that is. Anyway. I had a design that I really liked for some reason, but it wouldn't work for the assignment, so I made a version of it digitally just for fun.
I never appreciated abstract art until I had to try and make some. It's harder than you would think. Anyway. That is all.

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