Thursday, December 15, 2011

FREEDOM! (Oh wait. Not yet.)

     I had my last college final today! I finished in 5 minutes so I was somewhat concerned (I mean, FINAL. It's a scary word) but then again it was only 25 questions long and I actually studied for this one. So I was feeling pretty free afterward. I thought, "FINALLY. I can be stress free!" But then I remembered all of the other crap in my life that causes me to be stressed out. Like applying for colleges and how to pay for said college. Also the fact that I need a job real quick like. For the Dominican Republic. And of course I still have my High School finals that admittedly aren't as difficult and I shouldn't even be worried about them. But it's still stuff I have to do.     
      I just want to be able to have no pressing matters on my mind that occupy my thoughts. I just want to forget about it all. To be free. But of course freedom doesn't exist when you still live under the roof of your parents. And it still doesn't exist when you move out. Because you have even more responsibilities when you do that.

     Sometimes I just wish I was a little kid again. I wanted to bad to grow up and be one the "big girls". But now that I'm here, I just want to go back. Back to the days of stretch pants and scrunchies. Back to making of dance routines on the trampoline and playing with imaginary friends. Back to nap time and innocence. Back to being worry free.

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