Wednesday, March 23, 2011

30 Seconds of Silence

     In my family, we have what is called 30 seconds of silence. My Grandpa started the tradtition and ever since I can remember whenever we have big family get togethers, we have 30 seconds of silent thankful thinking. Afterwhich he calls on each of us to share what we are thankful for.
     As people in general, I find that we take to much in this life for granted. People, places, possessions, experiences. So, here is what I propose. It is my goal to be consciously thankful for something everyday for the next thirty days.
     I'll start today. Today I am thankful for my wonderful family. Specifically my marvelous mother who I love dearly. If it weren't for her, my family would fall apart. She is such a wonderful example to me and one of my best friends. She is strong and patient. She is loving and fun to be with. I'm so happy that she is MY mommy. I love her so much.

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