Story of my life right about now. I have a pretty lengthy to-do list. Write a sociology book review. Study for an english mid-term. Write a 10-12 page history paper. Make a PowerPoint presentation for History. Read the geology chapter. Read the sociology article. Geology enrichment activities. All 3 of them. Oh. And apparently I'm supposed to fit sleeping and eating somewhere in there. So you see, I certainly don't have time to waste time. But I do it anyway? Why? See, that's the part that I'm confused about. I have all of this stuff to do, but I just don't do it. Instead I'm "pinning" things. Or reading books for fun. Or .... Hm. Blogging?! What? My motivation is just shot. I don't know if that's because of the classes I'm taking, or just because I've been in the public school system for twelve years and I'm just tired of it. Either way. My homework isn't getting done and my grades are struggling. Oh life. Why must you be so busy?
P.S. I feel really weird when I post on my blog because I feel like I'm just talking to myself. OH WAIT! I am. Because no one reads this thing anyway. Which brings me back to the question, Why am I wasting all of this time talking to myself?